Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mick Mooney - December 2011 - Part 2

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Well, we didn't stick to our 20 minute time limit... haha! But Part 2 of my chat with Mick Mooney is well worth listening to, as Mick goes even deeper into exposing the heart of God and the reality of the living Christ in us.  Mick helps us to move away from mere head knowledge about God to actually knowing Christ.

The Bible, and the information that we can get from it about God, is absolutely wonderful. But just like the law, mere information and doctrine/theology is nothing more than "written code" and can minister death and condemnation to us if not understood from the heart of God and from the reality of actually knowing Him. God is huge!  And Mick keeps pointing back to the reality of Christ and to the truth that the Spirit of God is sufficiently enough for us.

Also, hear Mick's take on the account of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5, as well as other happenings in the book of Acts.  Are these accounts meant as doctrine for us to live by, or are they perhaps stories of real happenings in a yet-to-be-matured church that was still finding its way?

As always, I believe you'll find Mick's insights to be thought-provoking and refreshing.

Check out all the things that Mick is up to on his website, searchingforgrace.com.

Here's a link to Part 1 of the interview.

In addition, I had a four part interview with Mick about a year and a half ago. Here's the first part of that interview, with links to the other parts as well.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

322. When Did the New Covenant Begin?

Download/Play MP3 (14 Min, 9.6 MB)
(Click to Play, Right-Click to Download, or use Player below)

The chronology of our Bibles might lead us to think the that New Covenant began at the beginning of the writings that we call the New Testament. Many make the assumption that it all started with the birth of Jesus at the beginning of Matthew (Mark, Luke or John). During the Christmas season, more than ever we realize that the birth of Jesus was and is something to celebrate. God became a human, born of a woman and as we stated last week, He was born under the Law.

Another word for testament in the Greek is the word "covenant." This week we examine how the scripture reveals that a testament or covenant is not in effect until after the testator dies. The idea that the New Covenant began at Jesus' birth has led to much confusion about the books referred to as "the Gospels."

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

"Watch" this episode on YouTube.
(This is an easy way to listen and to share the podcast with others on Facebook, your blog and other sites.)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mick Mooney - December 2011 - Part 1

Download/Play MP3 (37 Min, 25MB)
(Click to Play, Right-Click to Download)

It's been a while, but it's time for another Growing in Grace Together podcast! Joel's special guest this time is Mick Mooney, who is known for his Searching for Grace comic strip and who has recently authored a book called Grace Apart From Law.  This is a two part conversation, and the second part will be posted in a few days.

Listen in as we hear Mick's thoughts on all kinds of things, including, but not limited to, how we can understand life in Christ apart from the law, and life in the Spirit instead.  What is the difference?  It's helpful to understand the proper reason the law was given.  Also, we discuss the idea of looking at the Scriptures as a whole, rather than taking lone verses and passages to 'prove our points' and build entire doctrines.

Mick also helps us to take a look at some of the people who wrote the scriptures, such Peter as one example, and how they didn't really understand the gospel right away, and in fact it took them years until they came to understand the true gospel.  I think you'll find Mick's insight on this very revealing and helpful.  We are all on a journey of learning and discovery, and so we can allow ourselves and one another to have time and breathing room to understand the fullness of Christ and the glorious gospel.

Check out all the things that Mick is up to on his website, searchingforgrace.com.

Here's a link to Part 2 of the interview.

In addition, I had a four part interview with Mick about a year and a half ago. Here's the first part of that interview, with links to the other parts as well.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

321. Jesus Taught the Law

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(Click to Play, Right-Click to Download, or use Player below)

In the sermon on the mount in the book of Matthew, Jesus began to teach in a way the Jews had never heard before. But was Jesus providing new principles for living under the new covenant or was he teaching the old Law in a more revealing way to help those Jewish people understand they needed something other than the commandments of the law?

The book of Galatians states that Jesus was born of a woman, born under the Law. He was indeed the Son of God in the flesh but Jesus was a prophet under the old covenant. Many of His teachings were aimed specifically at the Jews of that day by holding up the Law as a tutor that would lead people to His life instead of trying to keep commandments that could never make them right with God.

Jesus taught the Law but it was intended to make us guilty before God, yet from the beginning He never intended for us to keep it. There is a better way...Him.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

"Watch" this episode on YouTube.
(This is an easy way to listen and to share the podcast with others on Facebook, your blog and other sites.)

Sunday, December 04, 2011

320. Performing Old Covenant Ceremony Lands Paul in Prison

Download/Play MP3 (14 Min, 9.6 MB)
(Click to Play, Right-Click to Download, or use Player below)

It sounds strange that someone would end up in prison for trying to keep the law. Yet that's what happened to the Apostle Paul. Sort of.

Jewish Christian leaders had an intense disagreement with Paul and some other apostles regarding this controversy that Paul taught of forsaking the law of Moses. In the effort to find common ground, Paul agreed to participate in an old covenant type of purification ceremony (which included an animal sacrifice). The Jewish leadership was eager to show other Jews that Paul walked according to their customs and also kept the law.

Afterwards, Paul would speak about the amazing ministry of Christ to the Gentiles. But that would cause the crowd of legalistic zealots to lose control which led to Paul's arrest and ultimately to prison where he would eventually write much of the New Testament. Based on Paul's NT writings, perhaps this experience caused Paul to realize there could be no compromise when it came to Faith and Law.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

"Watch" this episode on YouTube.
(This is an easy way to listen and to share the podcast with others on Facebook, your blog and other sites.)