Sunday, September 26, 2010

259. Struggling With Experiencing God's Rest

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This week we read an email from someone who is struggling with "God's rest," and then we talk about living in God's rest and peace that is already ours. The person who sent the email says he has "believed so many paralyzing lies and accusations." This is a real issue for far too many people, in varying degrees.

For many, the root of the problem is that they don't have a good understanding or grasp of the truth of their identity in Christ. The truth is, we do have peace with God and we have entered into His rest, not because of anything we've done to attain it, but solely because of the blood of Jesus and our union with Him. The truth of our identity remains rock solid, even when our feelings and emotions would lie to us and tell us otherwise.  One of the keys to ending the struggle with not being able to experience God's rest is to believe what He says to be true about us, instead of believing those lies.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

258. What Is Your Motivation?

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What is your motivation for doing the things you do? Is it duty? Is it "musts" and "shoulds?" Or is it the living out of desires that God has placed in you? What are your motivations, dreams and desires? What are your gifts and callings? Do these things all work together?

This week Kap and Joel talk about their own motivations for doing the things they do in life, including this very podcast, and talk about you living from the dreams and desires that God has implanted in you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

257. Rest and Motivation

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Are "rest" and "motivation" words that contradict each other? If we're operating from a position of resting in Christ, where does the motivation to "do" come from?

Sunday, September 05, 2010

256. Jesus Bore All Our Guilt and Shame

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We were created by God to be loved, not punished. We were created without the capacity to bear the full weight of the consequences of the guilt and shame of our sin, and so our big brother Jesus stepped in and took it all upon Himself. His finished work was sufficient in every way. The law was a curse to us, but the Bible says that Jesus Himself became the curse for us. All the guilt and shame from our sin has been taken away.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Joel's Testimony During the Online International Grace Party

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During today's online International Grace Party, I shared my testimony of coming to Christ and some of the process of growing in grace up till now.  As I look back on my life, it's fun to look back and put some of the pieces together that show how I've been shaped the way that I am today.  At each point in sharing my testimony, I was tempted to further elaborate on various things, because it's so wonderful to see some of the details in all the things that God has done.  But that would've taken far too long, so here's the nutshell version that I shared today.

By the way, the article that I wrote that I mentioned and began to read during my testimony is found here.