Sunday, December 04, 2016

576. The Will of God – It Has Been Done

The writer of Hebrews reflects upon a prophetic passage from the Psalms where we find a body was prepared for Jesus. Why? Sacrifices and burnt offerings God did not desire and He did not take any pleasure In them. The prophecy looked ahead to Christ coming to do the will of God by the sacrifice of Himself. By this offering, He took away the first covenant made with Israel, including the law, and established a second covenant. This resulted in our eternal salvation and sanctification. It was God’s will to bring an end to the need for further sacrifice.

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  1. Some days your podcasts don't post to iTunes - this is one of those days.

    1. I don't know a whole lot about iTunes, as I don't usually use it myself - I simply have the podcast set up with iTunes - but I'm looking in iTunes right now and I see today's podcast there. I just wonder if it's an issue of iTunes needing to be refreshed or something? I'm sorry that I can't help any more than that. Here's the link to where I see today's podcast in on the iTunes webpage:

      Growing in Grace
