One example is the parable known as the prodigal or the prodigal son. Just who was this guy? He was left for dead and came seeking life without needing to lift a finger to do anything to earn it ... even though he felt obligated to do so. And then there is the older brother who worked so faithfully and diligently, declaring he never neglected a command while refusing the Father's invitation to a celebration. How offensive that the younger brother be treated as an equal!
In the previous chapters leading up to this parable, Jesus alluded to some things about Jews rejecting the Messiah, turning down an invitation to an eternal fellowship with free food, and then ordering that the unwanted and ignored from the city be invited. But that wasn't all ... the invitation would also extend to those far off, beyond the highways and the hedges. The hedges? The prodigal was described as being far off. All of this is carefully planted evidence, providing us with exciting answers from Ephesians chapter 2 ... and it's worth celebrating.

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