Sunday, November 06, 2022

884. The Apostle Paul Never Mentioned Confessing Your Sins

Our conversation this week starts out with reflecting on the transition of experiencing the truth of the gospel of grace and how it is so radically different from typical teachings within the corporate church world. It really begins within the heart of a person as God reveals it, and then the mind and understanding begin to pick up on it.

On a related note, we also follow-up from our previous program about the tremendous misunderstandings regarding a Bible verse that appears to be saying that believers need to continually confess all of their sins in order to be forgiven (again) and cleansed from all unrighteousness (again). It’s a faulty doctrine that doesn’t add up with the many writings of Paul and it has kept people in chains. So who was John talking to in this specific passage and what was he really saying?

In case you missed it last week, Joel referenced a recent blog post he'd written on this subject, which can be found here, along with an older blog post series he'd written, which can be found here.

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