Sunday, October 31, 2010

264. There Is No Record Against You

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Talking this week about the good news of the fact that God is not counting your sins against you! The Bible calls it "the ministry of reconciliation." God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their sins against them. Guess what? There is no record against you! You're free from guilt and condemnation!

Here's this week's quick GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

263. Living By Grace

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The Bible says we've become new creations - partakers of the divine nature. We're holy and righteous, and we're full of the unconditional love of God. We've been given a new heart and a new spirit that is in union with and identifies with the Spirit of God. Our lives in Christ are not a matter of trying to attain any of this but rather living from all of this, by the grace of God.

Here's this week's quick GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

262. Is God's Forgiveness Based Upon Our Remorse?

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It's all right to feel sorrow over some of the things we've done. But... is God's forgiveness based upon how much sorrow or remorse we feel? Listen in to hear some thoughts about that on this week's edition of Growing in Grace. Thanks for listening. Feel free to drop us a note to let us know you're out there, and/or to share your thoughts with us. Our contact info is on the right column.

Here's this week's quick GIG-Bite, as a sample of this week's program.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

261. Living by Law vs. Living by Grace

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Some would say that we've been saved by grace so that we can now keep God's law. But that misses the whole point of why God's law was given. Was it given with the expectation that people would ever actually keep it? The book of Hebrews says that there was a problem with the Law and Old Covenant. The problem was that people couldn't and didn't keep it!

So a new covenant was needed that had nothing to do with "us." This New Covenant has nothing to do with what we can or can't do, or what we do or don't do, but is solely based upon what God already did. And our daily lives in Him are not a matter of what we can do for Him, but rather a matter of what He does in and through us. It's the grace of God, not the law of God, that motivates us and empowers us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.

As a sampler from the program, here's this week's "GIG-Bite."

Sunday, October 03, 2010

260. We Love Because God First Loved Us

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"We love Him because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)

Is our love for God and for others to be based on commandments?  If we love because we're commanded to - because we're "supposed" to - is it really love?  What about Jesus' mentions of the two Old Testament laws - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength" and "You shall love your neighbor as yourself?"  Was He laying down the law for Christians?  Jesus said the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments... but does the gospel hang on them?  What about Jesus' "new commandment" that He gave His disciples, that they love others as He has loved them?  Is this "law" for the Christian?

Is it our responsibility to love God and others more?  Or perhaps does love for God and others come some other way?  Check out our thoughts on all this on this week's edition of Growing in Grace!

Here's a quick snippet from the program. This week's "GIG-Bite."