Sunday, January 29, 2012

327. From Death to Life - Not from Bad to Good

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So often, believers are caught up with "doing" rather than "being." You have not only been redeemed and forgiven but you were once dead and have now been made alive. God has accepted you, but not because you started trying to do all the right things. He has accepted you because of what Christ did on our behalf and because we are "in Him."

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

326. God Has Stopped Forgiving

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We take a deeper look at forgiveness. God's forgiveness of sin has canceled out all judgment, punishment, obligation and debt. God did not provide this for us based on our reaction towards him but rather because of His unconditional love for us (John 3:16-17). He wanted to do it!

The act of forgiveness from God has already been extended to us and is something that is done; a work that has been completed at the cross of Christ. We don't have to beg God for something that He wanted to give and has already provided. Through belief, we can experience the blessing and freedom of forgiveness.

Growing in this grace will help us to understand the new person we have become in Him.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

325. Redemption & Forgiveness (and what they mean)

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This week we take a look at two words frequently used in Christian circles but are often not fully understood: redemption and forgiveness. Growing in our understanding of what they mean can make a big difference towards walking in the freedom that God has provided for us through the blood of Jesus Christ. Being redeemed and forgiven is not temporary nor does it come and go based on your actions and circumstances.

It may be hard to believe but we've managed to tap into more really good news for the 325th podcast in a row.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

324. Are We Commanded to Love God?

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We continue to look at New Covenant living and compare it to the previous (old) covenant. One way of contrasting the two covenants is to understand what they teach about love. Most of us have been taught that we are required to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. But is this really something that is meant for New Covenant believers or is it another burdensome commandment that by our own efforts is impossible to keep? The focus of the OC demanded that we love God. The focus of the NC reveals God's unconditional love for US. Understanding this truth will enable us to freely love God in return and by His Spirit within we'll be able to extend it to others. Attempting to live by the command to love is a recipe for failure.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

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Sunday, January 01, 2012

323. Contrasting the Two Covenants

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Is the New Covenant a continuation of the old? That's what some have been led to believe but this one thing has caused much confusion in peoples' lives....They do not belong together. The old covenant had its purpose but the writer in Hebrews draws some clear distinctions between the old and the new, even going so far as to say the old has become obsolete. Understanding this truth will help you in your walk of freedom and grace.

Here's this week's GIG-Bite, a quick sample of this week's program.

"Watch" this episode on YouTube.
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